Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Our Department of Education is so poor that many Americans don't view education as a help. HS is so crappy and gives us such a load of HS that it's often disdained. Education, including much media, is scorned in favor of whatever relieves us of our duties to it. They may view the recombinant job market beseiged by profiteering corporations and high cost of living as a place of competition and unfairness.

Giving a people a great set of laws and society is one thing, but like any great machine it requires maintenance. Without maintenance this society divides and loses a great portion of itself to winnow.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Virtual Learning, Accreditation

I believe we have the computational ability to hold classrooms in virtual environments such as Second Life. This would provide an excellent opportunity to capitalize on virtual education and combination visual / written and hands on /virtual programs and minisets to make advanced and simple education easier.

This can make the virtual world a classroom and connect humans from every part of earth together. This can reduce the cost and disruption of education and provide many more opportunities for students and teachers.

Examine what fantastic virtual lessons Bradley has set up through Second Life, and imagine an auditorium sized virtual space/classroom filled with 500 such virtual students.

Certain tests could be taken in an environment such as this. Virtual modular programs, e.g. a surgical scenario, electrician test, or pharmacological experiment could be performed here.

It might also be logical to physics-simulate a standard human genome to make a virtual human complete with medical biology. See Human 2.0, Technopickle.